Excellence Matters Most, Inc.
is an educational initiative that provides top quality tutoring, mentoring, events & conferences for boys and girls of all ages. Our programs focus on the importance of being able to effectively "Express Yourself."
Our programs and workshops are designed to create venues for the youth to showcase all of the talents and knowledge that they possess. We embrace the culture of all ethnicities and we are striving to be a beacon of hope and light in all of the communities where we are in attendance.
We offer innovative one on one tutoring, mentoring, educational and motivational workshops and conferences.
We believe in exposing children to activities and experiences that increase awareness of reading, writing and public speaking. We are also determined to prepare children to master their confidence through reading, writing and public speaking.
Press Release
Excellence Matters Most, Inc. is a nonprofit 501c3 organization. All donations are tax deductible under section 170 of the IRS code. Please accept our sincerest gratitude for helping young boys and girls develop the life-skills needed to become successful.
Ask Us Anything!
Excellence Matters Most, Inc.
Carmen Willingham
Chief Executive Officer | Founder
P.O. Box 1776
Royal Oak MI 48068
ph: 586 713 5614
email: carmenwillingham879@gmail.com
website: www.excellencemattersmost.net
Excellence Matters Most, Inc. is supported by the following organizations: